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  • Transfer Oil behind the scenes - Moris and Luca

COLORNO, Italy - January 12, 2022 - With Moris and Luca, we enter Transfer Oil production department. They are the main characters of the third clip of “Meet Transfer Oil” video series, focused on human resources.
Through Moris and Luca we experience the serene and authentic mood of the shop floor, where the manufacturing of our hose products takes place. By sharing his own professional path Luca tells us the value of human relationships and team spirit, essentials to achieve great results.
While Moris, who joined Transfer Oil 27 years ago, explains to us the importance of focusing on customer’s needs and continuously striving to improve oneself for the benefit of Transfer Oil growth. Let’s discover through their stories, an insight of Transfer Oil production department.

a brand of Transfer Oil S.p.A.

Via Sacca, 64 - 43052
Colorno, Italy
T +39 0521 3139

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